Domain Registrations, Web Hosting & Email Accounts

You can’t have a website without a Domain name.

A domain helps drives customers directly to your website so I’ll be there to help you find a domain you’ll love by choose through available URLs (domain names) that is likely to be appropriate for your activity/business.


Hosting (also known as website hosting or Web hosting) is what makes your site visible on the web.

It’s like a rental space on a Server computer so that users can access your website on the internet.  I’ll be there to help you with the most reliable and secured hosting plan custom for your specific requirements that vary from a Basic Blog website to the most high-powered dynamic websites.

Email Accounts:

Now that you own a domain name it would be feasible to add a corporate email address to it.  Whether it’s a large or a small business activity it’s more professional if your clients/fans/followers contact you on your branded email.   I’ll be there to get the right email account/s plan made to measure for your custom requirements.




Are you ready to take your business to a higher dimension at affordable prices?